Its convo but also a challenge you can pick, because i call you a fool…

Boon(Daniel Bauer)
5 min readNov 3, 2020


Id rather ask, what is with the obligation on those who are supposed to know, and actually decide, besides the obligation of more or less official structures to inform people about facts. Its is by all means contraproductive , as i see it , to rant about borader unconciousness about an issue, when those who act claim to be wise and informed,and also claim to act and are meant and obligated to protect the interest of the many. And as there is no limit on the amount of data we can captrue, share provide, analyize or present, its as intrigiguing and useful to know the cause of the issue , as the issue itself, because if the acknowledgement of the masses , does have an impact, which is prevented from happing all over the place, by all possible forms of corruption , manipulation and denial of data and the means to collabarationally act or even meet or handle data, its is more then essential they they also do know the guilty, and all are busy to hide or even to “let grass grow over” an issue, and while all the people get profiled, and even though here and there are the bits of whodidwhat and whoswithwho, we never profile and bring together profiles for the obvious bad actors. And if this is conciously happening top down, and the claim this planet is on the way to die, and the claim we could do way better is valid, id beg to ask you dear fellow peers, what might their elaborate plan, for even the survivial of their own legacy be, that they continiue to do wrong.


yes that the obersavation of how things work, and the also common practice of , get things done or get lost, and i do agree that the game has to change, either way, because u must agree that either profits or votes should not be the driving factor, when we face global and individual issues alike we can not fix without subject based acting, and will not be fixed by people with no foresight skill or even acepatance of these problems , and when the advantage to offer sucess in keeping or achieving power to abuse is the only reason of them to be in chrage, that they betray their moral obligation as big actors aside, i see no conflict here and wonder why you claim there is one, because do i not ask for systematic change eversince, and isnt even that subject based text upon it also critcizing the system, up there is nothing but an observation, and that it concludes some sort of them being conciously fooling us is not written in stone, its just meant to make ppl think. To make things better can be seen as a moral obligation or simply clever task, overall as i always say we have the science, but not the power or will to use it, Overall you say the rules makes the game right so, who would be less convinced of that that me, but i beg for any change whatsoever, the technical to not kill the planet so soon, as well as the more advanced to let all thrive, and those we both mentioned will defend the practice and support the things we must get rid of asap. They make the big discisions , they set up and modify the rules even not seening that by that their own legacy will end with this planet too, so they are suicidal , and should be replaced or even wrose having an idea what they are causing, overall lol be placed in menatl hopsital, because that what is usualy done with people who willingly wanna kill themselves.

And as we blinldy float that way , towards, maybe even passed that point of no return, tragically,-already having all the answers, systematically as well as technically, TO ACT, — i must conclude that you are amoungst those as well who got no faith at the end, and who are unable to see the forest because of trees, and stuck in overall negative analysis, clueless, while we exeeded the point of a gentle touch in the right direction, moreso, crossed the line of acting paradox , and acepting paradoxes of the most simple degree, as like i often love to admit, but does not get in stubborn heads, seriously — what in centralized systems, keep those few leaders to come together and unite the nations, who benefits, and is that rational people of the 21st century, as its all so obvious we need to act together, they handshake themselves for minor contracts to achieve nothing but words that entertain the stupid or calm the stupid but loosly alarmed for a couple of time, time we do not have to offer actually, besites the suffering it causes to all of us meanwhile, that we do not even see, loving the cage like an animal that gotused to it. How paradox is to keep up and even invent means to work for the sake of work, when work works this place to dust, hey this kills us but yay it provides us jobs, so we will never ever stop it, cause you know we care for the people? What should they eat right, omg hillarious, what is so hard in doing math with tendencys…..

In a world of the plenty, denying everyone the means to conciously act , thrive or improve, oneanother, as a simple mathematical fact, and not only by lawed systems, but with nothing but raw power of te strongest opressors in charge, we suffer, and bring the whole base of exsistance down with an ever excelerating speed, do the same mistakes as civilizations that failed, on the most simple and obvious thiings, and claim to be educated, and to learn from history, and all the paradoxes we just accept and do not question, do not discuss and they are very well within the understanding capability of a 10 year old child, this is nothing but collective madness.

And i challenge you, this whole community and each and everyone on earth to prove me worng in anything i say here or elsewhere on whatever subject, because i call you all foolish, educated, elaborate fools, because i do not abstract or hide within terms that make some vague bs sound great or slightly valid, to sound cleverer then another peer, or laugh wondering if they need a dictionary to unriddle what i just said, and nomatter what you are into , as 90% of whate all people on this planet do, is rather directly obsolete or harmful, or obsolete considering what could be done changing the “rules of the game” like you said, or at least easy to be made more efficient if they would be empowered like they can and should be, not counting reinventing the wheel seperatly, worse and alike, with a system to combine and enable global collabortaion and data analysis of unlimited amounts and size, unused, and not even asking for this to be fixed FIRST, cause right on better act foolish then idle right, freakin HUMANS.



Boon(Daniel Bauer)

im a full time activist and educated peer, spending all my life on possible global solutions and personal development for over 3 decades, im in many networks