Boon(Daniel Bauer)
6 min readOct 30, 2020

Just another rant…

The end of lies is the end of slavery-
i very well remember the early times of the net, and the times when swarm behaviour and collective intelligence been hughe terms,
and are we not here under the general term p2p? Overall the internet is the biggest structure on earth, and its enourmous wasted potential
once so promising, has been exploited and dumbed down to the max.
What is data worth without vaildation, without acess, and what is it worth if it isnt shared?
So what is wrong with that thing that is actually possible to connect each and everyone at any way we want, and could enable us to
be together and share whatever we want whenever we want and to whoever we want?
We already lost a whole generation in terms of time, as there been advanced software already in 2000s , far more enableing then what has come to
a broad use. The desicision to force people to hubs and plattforms, avoid by all means to provide them upload speed to have use in
selfhosting content, to devide it by nations security protocols, to sniff on people and keep the knowledge gained like a treasure and comercialize it
to them max, to miss out the opportunity to ask the ppl what they think, and only analyse what they would buy,
to dump down every means of coming together, as a weird side effect, as people can meet in large amounts in virtual places, somehow keep them anticipating,
that they could also do this for every other purpose, biased search tools and algorythms, all that has bought us this misery.
The need to control the net, and protect copyrights and patents, and i claim also thoughts about political stability, has produced a dumped down net,
so the generation one does not learn together, does not proceed in the speed it could have, so all they are better in now, is using their thumbs acting on
their smartphones. Knowledge shared doesnt make most people smarter, even worse, they google some stuff and get an answer and do not have to think much
being okay with it, also all the fake content, and worse on top, massive manipulation, by all actors, using again all hubs they can find, so called influencers,
spam, fake converstions, rethorics, faked … the list is long. Profiles of people are being made, in every possible way, to analyse them, to predict them,
only enabling the actors, not the participants. So many years after the beginning, people do still travel to meetings, waste time and ressources, instead of getting
used to come together virtual, features , available for decades only became a real standart to companys. Great stuff is bought off early and locked in a desk.
I did read the term reciporal agora, right on, cause how could we swarm together and have a shared focus if were unable to connect and witness in time sth is going on.
See it IS devide an conquer, i do not claim to know why and how, but its purly insane, that we waste this epic gift. In terms of politics, i ask that for decades,
why are a couple of leaders not able to come together, negotiate and unite earth, for the challenges we face, qui bono?
We do have the technology to fix things, and working together and sharing, instead of competing, we could turn the boat, and so obviously, escape the doom that is
already at our doorstep, predicted already in the 70s, our civilization will fail, and nothing has been done to prevent or even significally slow down this process.
And i cant wrap my head around this, see some well known facts, without seperation, a united energy grid, and solar thermia from the deserts, could get us rid of
all that pollution and danger, burning stuff for energy, or use atomic tech that we still cant handle acceptable, and easily supply us with all the energy we need,
and make for example the shift to electric transport way more ecco friendly then it actually is.
Facing no-gos that just continue, for the sake of profit, is simply insane, what do the mighty gain, if this planet dies, what future they want for them and their
children , that makes them ignore the obvious, and all the given answers as well.
We could build products that last for long, we could reduce the amount of nessecary work enourmously, by stopping to battle for contracts and prices, and stop
reling on the benefit of maintance of so many stuff, but that is only possible together, what are hundreds of companys good for, like for building a house,
so we dont have the closest to subject available worker fix something, no its a descision process of wasted ressources, and compromises, so a company from far away will do
a cheap fix or cheap house, while we COULD plan for centurys, and go strictly ecco friendly, and regadring the facts we face we would HAVE to do so.
And this list continues.
We by far extended the point of usefulness of capitalism , if it every really was useful, because the point where that centralization of influence would have been a useful
tool is now somewhat dated, as nothing happens with all the technology we have, so the epic interaction and muliplication within, in knowledge, in efficiency, just is not
happening, the curve we learn is still high, but its lame without that impact of free collaboration and acess for all to all data.
Soon i guess quantum computing and shor´s algorithm will make any encryption whatsoever pointless, again for the mighty only, but for what use anyway, as the data is not
even used sensefully, its a shame, its a shame our civilization will fail, and the planet will die, which couldve spend and maintain life for millions of years, and
we will turn it to a mars, for no sensemaking reason at all, btw google achieved quantum superiority last year.
It has been prevented, for the sake of continued leadership of the either stupid, evil or having other plans elites of this world, to use the internet to let people
find out that they do not differ in needs, wishes and thoughts all over the world, so there still is racism, there still is suspiciousness, prejudices, hate, competition,
corruption, secrecy, fake data, exploid, cheating, suffering, devide, and so on.
And the fact that we cant make it, will not make it this way, along with the simple fact how easy peoples lifes could be having the machines work, chill and grow instead of burn out,
is so epically absurd and sad, as it is sad that nomatter how simple and undenieable i say it, and to whoever i adress it, i cant do anything about it.
So it leaves me with some abstract hope, there is a plan b, afaik all research failed, so we can NOT produce an eccosystem or a working biosphere, spacetravel is a joke,
and we are not even close to thinking we could reach another exploitable planet, life-extension could be vaild, of course couldnt be shared in a world like this,
the overpopulation, what actually never was a real thing, as we always produced enough goods , we just didnt share it, has become silent, so i even enjoy the now dumped down but making it even
more interesting conspirancy theory, to kill at least 90% of people would fix it too, but that has to happen soon, i would highly appreciate a forced death vaccination,
because id rather see hope for life itself then keep on living myself, sad i have come to that conclusion, but i had to, as nothing even starts to get fixed.
Thats all again for me, thanks if someone does read it, what would you do with unlimited funding, and acess to all data, what do you conclude on the wtf and why things are
like they are, let me know, as that is what the mighty almost have.
Last but not least, the spiritual view on the subject, where it becomes even more sad and scary, again, for no sensemaking reason, to kill the planet could stop reincarnation,
if that is the way things work, and that would mean that no species on this planet can evolve with its “maybe imortal” soul, to become something cooler, that equals
total failure of all hope for all beings and could worst case equal miscarriage of further gods and metaverses they create, a cosmic disaster, also in the theory that emotions
are the base of all existing things, and laws of attraction and energy, it could lead to both, endless staticness or burn out and loss of energy because it cant be regained or collected by new life
sequels, could than make an immortal sould die, thats epic failure, congratiultions leadership, is it worth it, no one cares, have a good time !

Boon(Daniel Bauer)

im a full time activist and educated peer, spending all my life on possible global solutions and personal development for over 3 decades, im in many networks